Wednesday, July 28, 2010

July 28, 2010

Today's workout will be a little longer. I am hoping to swim across Bear Lake next year and this is a good one to start with for that kind of distance.

2x400's Warm up, choice stroke.

10x50's Pace--try to hold the same time within 2-3 seconds (hold a strong pace--about 85% effort level)

1-Kick, 2-Swim, 3-Pull, 4-Swim

20x25's odds-Sprint, evens-Easy

8x100's descend 1-4 (each gets faster than the one before then start back over on #5)

1x500 Cool Down

Total Yardage: 5,100

Friday, May 28, 2010

May 28, 2010

It has been a while since the last workout posted. Hopefully the past ones have been able to sustain you...

Warm up; your choice

4x100's @2:00 (1:45/2:10)
Alternate freestyle and backstroke by 100

6x50's @1:00 (:50/1:10)
Dolphin kick off each wall until your feet reach the flags then swim freestyle the rest of the way. Use the 3-7-3 drill (that means 3 regular strokes then 7 kicks on your side, another 3 strokes, then repeat across the pool).

8x25's @ :40 (:30/:45)
Flutter kick with board. Odds are sprint, evens are easy.

4x125's @2:15 (2:00/2:30)
IM: Rotate a 50 of stroke throughout. 1-50 fly, 25 back, 25 breast, 25 free; 2-25 fly 50 back, 25 breast, 25 free; etc.

6x25's @ :40 (:30/:45)
Odds dolphin kick, evens breaststroke kick

6x75's @1:30 (1:15/1:45)
25 catchup stroke, 25 3/4 catchup stroke, 25 regular freestyle
(Catchup is where you do freestyle but touch your hands at the top. 3/4 catchup is where you start your next pull when your hand just enters the water).

4x125's @ 2:00 (1:50/2:15)
75 sprint freestyle, 50 easy choice stroke

2x150's @ :30 rest
Warm down; alternating backstroke and freestyle

Total yardage: 3,200

Saturday, April 3, 2010

April 3, 2010

I should just keep this window open all the time. Otherwise I forget to do things.

1x400 warm up--100 kick, 100 drill, 100 pull, 100 swim

16x25's descend 1-4, your choice of stroke; @:30 (:40)

3x200's negative split (2nd half faster than the 1st); @3:30 (3:50, 3:00)

3x300's descend 1-3 (by 300's), the last 300 should be all out; @:30-:45 rest

3x400's pace, try to hold the same exact time on each one (not a slow time!); @ :40-:50 rest

1x500 cool down--ascend...start strong un-build to easy

Total yardage: 4,000

Friday, March 26, 2010

March 26, 2010

It is a kicking workout today. Kicking keeps your body in the right position in the water. Although most triathletes like to save their legs for the other 2 parts of the race, it is important to use kicking to align your body. This will help to make swimming easier, trust me. This does not mean you have to have a sprint kick going all the time; rather, it means you have to practice kicking to become efficient enough to kick without having to always force it.

1x400 50 swim/50 kick

12x25's 2 kick/1 drill (freestyle); @ :40 (:30, :50)

2x300's 100 drill/ 100 kick/ 100 swim, backstroke @:30 rest

Main Set (repeat 4 times):
1x50 sprint kick (flutter); @ 1:20 (1:00, 1:45)
1x50 recovery kick (flutter); @ 1:30 (1:15, 2:00)
1x100 IM swim; @ 2:10 (2:00, 2:20)
1x100 IM kick; @ 2:50 (2:30, 3:00)

9x50's Cool Down: 1-kick, 2-drill, 3-swim; @ 1:30 (1:00, 2:00)

Total yardage: 2,950

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

March 24, 2010

I am not sure that anyone is using these workouts. At least this allows me to have an accessible set of workouts. That means if I can find a pool, I can swim:)

3x200 Warm up, 1-drill, 2-kick, 3-swim

16x25's 1--all easy, 2--1/2 fast 1/2 easy, 2--1/2easy 1/2 fast, 3--all fast

1st Main Set (repeat 2 times)
3x25's--fly; @ :45 (:30, :55)
3x50's--back; @ 1:10 (:55, 1:20)
1x75--breast; @ 1:40 (1:20, 1:50)
1x150--free; @ 2:50 (2:40, 3:00)

1x350 free, pull, moderate effort

2nd Main Set (repeat 4 times)
1x100 IM; @ 2:00 (1:45, 2:15)
1x150 free; @ 2:50 (1:45, 2:15)

cool down; @ 2:00 (1:50, 2:15)

Total yardage: 3,650

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

March 23, 2010

I remembered two days in a row. I think we need a short sprint workout today.

1x400 Warm up

12x25's 4 drill, 4 kick, 4 swim (your choice of stroke); @: 45 (:30, :55)

1st Main Set (repeat 3 times):
50--all out (choice stroke); @1:00 (:50, 1:15)
50--recovery; @1:05 (:55, 1:20)
100--build by 25 (choice stroke); @ 2:00 (1:50, 2:10)
50--recovery; @1:05 (:55, 1:20)

6x50's kick, sprint down easy back; @1:30 (1:00, 1:50)

2nd Main Set (repeat 3 times):
4x25's--all out (choice stroke); @:40 (:30, :50)
50--recovery; @1:05 (:55, 1:20)
3x50's--negative split (choice stroke); @ 1:00 (:50, 1:15)
50--recovery; @1:05 (:55, 1:20)

1x200 Cool Down

Total yardage: 3,000

Monday, March 22, 2010

March 22, 2010

I need to do something to put "blogging" into my daily schedule. Maybe it would help if I wrote it on my to-do list? Anyway, here is another workout. I hope it helps you get in swimming shape for the upcoming triathlon season.

1x400 Warm up

3x200's 1-Drill, 2-Kick, 3-Swim; @:30 rest

10x50's Pace (mid-distance); @ :55 (1:00, 1:15)

100 --25 Free, 50 Back, 25 Free
200--50 Back, 100 Free, 50 Back
300--100 Free, 100 Back, 100 Free
400--All Free with a strong distance pace
300--100 Free, 100 Back, 100 Free
200--50 Back, 100 Free, 50 Back
100--25 Free, 50 Back, 25 Free

1x400 Cool Down

Total yardage: 3,500